Friday, April 18, 2014

Breaking News, have Debt Collectors violated their jurisdiction when they ignore natural disaster claims?

The Good News is, apparently consumers DO have some debt suspension rights. I would recommend checking out your credit score on TransUnion Credit, including checking out their dispute options. Of course, NEVER lie, use the truthful dispute to win.

Transunion Credit Bureau allows consumers the right to dispute their potentially negative credit scores via a proprietary checklist of dispute options. If one has the truth on their side, then it may be possible to get a negative or delinquent account reversed if the reason one defaulted is also a dispute option.

An example would be if one lives in an area that had a natural disaster declared. There are other dispute options as well. Experian also allows one to dispute negative credit histories, but they don't actually give a list of dispute choices and one has a limited amount of space to make their case, but their site is rather easy to navigate as well.

Seems to be worth investigating one's credit score if it means improving that score by truthfully disputing a negative credit report. Be careful however, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax all seem to want one to sign up for a monthly credit protector or credit review option.

I frankly find it disturbing that none of the three offer a simple, "check my credit history and make corrections if necessary" option that does not automatically renew on a monthly basis. I wonder if the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may be knocking in their doors in the future.

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